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Code ID List View

You can view the Code ID list view from navigation bar under the Resources menu and selecting Code IDs. This will display the stored contracts Code IDs.


Only verified Code IDs have green check mark icon and its corresponding verified time. Unverified Code ID does not have green check mark icon. Code ID owners have to Verify and Publish contract source code to get the Code ID verified.

Code IDCode ID No
Tx HashTransaction hash of store code ID transaction
CreatorAccount address of Code ID's creator
TypeStandard type of Code ID, e.g CW20, CW721, CW 4973. Only show type of Code IDs with the one that have been registered type correctly
InstantiatesNumber of smart contracts that have already been instantiated from the Code ID
Created atTime stamp of the time the Code ID was stored
Verified atTime stamp of the time the Code ID was verified and published successfullyn