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Code ID Details

Choose one Code ID in Code ID list to view any Code ID's detailed information.



Specific information of the Code ID.

Code IDCode ID No
CreatorMethod to execute contract, is one of the functions in the contract
Tx HashTransaction hash of Store Code ID transaction
Instantiate timesAddress sent execute contract transaction, choose address to see account details
Created AtTime stamp of the time the Code ID was stored

Contracts tab

The Contracts tab contains the list of contracts that have been instantiated from the stored code corresponding to that Code ID.

Contract AddressContract account
Tx HashTransaction hash of Store Code ID transaction
CreatorAccount address of Code ID's creator
Instantiate atTime stamp of the time the smart contract was instantiated
Verified atTime stamp of the time the Code ID that the smart contract was instantiated from be verified

Verify Code ID tab

The Verify Code ID tab contains information regarding the status of verification for that Code ID.

Code ID that has not yet been verified


Code ID on verification process


Verified Code ID


Failed Verification Code ID

Aurascan will show up the information of the last time this Code ID was verified fail with updated status and error message.
