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About Pyxis Mobile Wallet

The onboarding process when using a normal wallet is inconvenient as users need to promptly save the private key or passphrase upon receiving it. The instruction to keep the private key/passphrase in a secure space and avoid leaks interrupts the onboarding process, making it challenging to complete within a minute. Another drawback of a normal wallet is that in the event of a compromise, users are required to swiftly transfer all their assets, including tokens and NFTs, to another backup wallet. This scenario places the user in an emergency circumstance.

To minimize inconvenience for non-crypto natives, Pyxis introduces a new term called 'smart wallet'. With Pyxis, you will:

  • Enjoy a seamless onboarding process – no need to save the private key or passphrase right away (we won't show you this key)
  • Easy access to all Dapps on the Aura network.
  • Even if you lose access to your smart account (e.g: lost device), there's no need to transfer all your assets elsewhere. The quickest solution is to utilize the Recovery feature to access your smart wallet on a new device, rendering the old device unable to access the current smart account.