to dApps /w WalletConnect
If you want to connect a Dapps by Pyxis smart account, this feature is completely suit your need. Please follow below steps to connect your smart account to a Dapp by WalletConnect.
- In the Dapp interface, choose 'Connect Wallet' via WalletConnect. A QR code will be displayed.
- On the Pyxis mobile Homepage, select button 'Scan' on the menu bar.
- Allow Pyxis to get access to your camera/ your library.
- Use the Pyxis camera to scan the provided QR code in the Dapp interface. Or you can upload a photo includes the QR code by choosing Upload photo.
- Sign the required message.
- When you receive the success toast message on Pyxis, it means that your smart account is successfully logged in to the Dapp.