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Voting on proposals for Aura Network is a simple process that must be taken very seriously since the proposals dictate what will be done for several important features or standards. We will guide you through the process in this section.

Step 1: Click on Votings on navigation bar

Participants that are bonded Aura holders, have the right to participate in governance. Unbonded Aura holders and other users do not have the right to vote on proposals. After the proposal enters voting period, participants who bond AURA or become validators can be forbidden to vote on proposal.

There are 3 periods of a proposal:

  • Deposit period
  • Voting period: when a proposal reaches MinDeposit, it immediately enters Voting period
  • Voting ended

Step 2: Vote

Participants can only vote on proposals that are in Voting period.

There are four options a participant can choose:

  • Yes
  • No
  • NoWithVeto: is a No and a Veto vote
  • Abstain: means the participants do not intend to vote in favor or against the proposal but accept the result of the vote.

To vote, a small AURA fee is required.


Step 3: Result

Threshold is the minimum proportion of Yes votes (excluding Abstain votes) for the proposal to be accepted. Initially, the proposals are accepted if the threshold is 50% (the proportion of Yes votes excluding Abstain votes at the end of the voting period is superior to 50%) and if the proportion of NoWithVeto votes is inferior to 1/3 excluding Abstain votes.
