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Receiver of Account Bound Token

Receiver who will become the owner of the ABT once he decides to 'Equip' the ABT that was nominated for him. Account Bound Token is non-transferable so it cannot be transferred from one address to another. Instead, the owner of ABT can 'Un-equip' or 'Equip' the ABT anytime to keep it off-chaim or on-chain according to your will.

Equip Account Bound Token

Step 1: Open Account Details page.

ABT receiver See more

Step 2: Navigate to Account Bound Token page by clicking to "Manage my ABTs" button

See the new Unclaimed ABT that was nominated for you by the creator from tab "Unequipped" of Account Bound Token page. You can open the Account Bound Token page of your account by pressing button "Manage your ABTs" from Account Details page.

ABT receiver Unclaim token list

Step 3: Preview Account Bound Token.

You can 'preview' an unclaimed ABT that was nominated for you by click 'Preview' button to open the 'Preview popup'. Then, you can decide to 'Equip' button to take the ABT for your own. Otherwise, in case you don't want to receive this ABT or receive any ABT from this creator anymore, you can either select "Reject this ABT" or "Reject all ABTs from this Creator" to prevent yourself from unnecessary spam.

ABT unclaimed preview from Account Details

ABT unclaimed preview from ABT page

Step 4: Equip Account Bound Token

Receiver Equips ABT

Step 5: Sign message to 'Equip' Account Bound Token

Receiver signs message to equip ABT

Equipped Account Bound Token in Aurascan

Equipped ABT in Aurascan

ABT receiver 6.2

  • An equipped ABT can be pick to highlight displayed on Aurascan by click to the bookmark icon on the top right of ABT in the Equipped tab's list view

Receiver Equips ABT

Un-equip Account Bound Token

Step 1: Click 'Un-equip' from Account Bound Token detail page

Receiver un-equip ABT

Step 2: Sign message to Un-equip Account Bound Token

Receiver signs message to un-equip ABT 1

Receiver signs message to un-equip ABT 2

Un-equipped Account Bound Token in Aurascan

Un-equipped ABT in Aurascan