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Fungible Token (CW20) integration for wallet

It is recommend to use Horoscope, the interchain indexer for querying CW20 data on Aura Network. Other interaction with the CW20 contract can be executed by sending corresponding CosmWasm transaction to the network.

1. Querying CW20

List all CW20 asset of one address


  • Selected chain: xstaxy/euphoria/serenity
  • Owner address
  • Limit, offset It can be retrieved from the Horoscope like shown below:
curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"operationName": "CW20",
"query": "query CW20($offset: Int = null, $limit: Int = 10, $address: String = null) { euphoria { cw20_holder(limit: $limit, offset: $offset, where: {address: {_eq: $address}}) { id address amount cw20_contract { marketing_info smart_contract { address } symbol } } } }",
"variables": {
"address": "aura1trqfuz89vxe745lmn2yfedt7d4xnpcpvltc86e",
"offset": null,
"limit": 10

Parse output

This is an output of get detail CW20:

"code": 200,
"message": "Successful",
"data": {
"euphoria": {
"cw20_holder": [
"id": 468,
"address": "aura1trqfuz89vxe745lmn2yfedt7d4xnpcpvltc86e",
"amount": 1e+21,
"cw20_contract": {
"marketing_info": {
"logo": null,
"project": null,
"marketing": null,
"description": null
"smart_contract": {
"address": "aura14ezx5er4hd2yr87etadq2zuyqyqqfy82t84wlj8cz2sl4mmnh04sj9rhfk"
"symbol": "C98"
"id": 476,
"address": "aura1trqfuz89vxe745lmn2yfedt7d4xnpcpvltc86e",
"amount": 1e+21,
"cw20_contract": {
"marketing_info": {
"logo": null,
"project": null,
"marketing": null,
"description": null
"smart_contract": {
"address": "aura1vfy9ythluhumtltwra8yu4gwywp75j3mftzxjfh6l2yn3rnew3js6z26jg"
"symbol": "MSTR"