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Aura accounts integration

1. Introduction

An account designates a pair of public key PubKey and private key PrivKey.

  • The PubKey can be derived to generate various Addresses, which are used to identify users (among other parties) in the application. Addresses are also associated with messages to identify the sender of the message.
  • The PrivKey is used to generate digital signatures to prove that an Address associated with the PrivKey approved of a given message.

Account validation

Since Aura support both Cosmos and EVM, native accounts have the following formats:

  • Cosmos address: aura<bech32encoding>. So an address should look like this: aura1cxa3axrm9qz22ctk0yppuh90x38afqc7enzckj.
  • EVM address: 0x address. Example: 0xc1bb1e987b2804a5617679021e5caf344fd4831e

Validation can be performed locally with CosmJS like shown below:

e = require('@cosmjs/encoding'); 
> e.fromBech32('aura15f6wn3nymdnhnh5ddlqletuptjag09tryrtpq5')
  prefix: 'aura',
  data: Uint8Array(20) [
    162, 116, 233, 198, 100,
    219, 103, 121, 222, 141,
    111, 193, 252, 175, 129,
     92, 186, 135, 149,  99
> e.fromBech32('aura15f6wn3nymdnhnh5ddlqletuptjag09tryrtpq5123')
Uncaught Error: Data too short

An EVM address can be converted to and from a Cosmos address with the following code:

import { ETH } from '@evmos/address-converter';
import { fromBech32, toBech32 } from '@cosmjs/encoding';

function makeBech32Encoder(prefix: string) {
return (data: Buffer) => toBech32(prefix, data);

function makeBech32Decoder(currentPrefix: string) {
return (input: string) => {
const { prefix, data } = fromBech32(input);
if (prefix !== currentPrefix) {
throw Error('Unrecognised address format');
return Buffer.from(data);

function convertBech32AddressToEthAddress(
prefix: string,
bech32Address: string
): string {
const data = makeBech32Decoder(prefix)(bech32Address);
return ETH.encoder(data);

function convertEthAddressToBech32Address(
prefix: string,
ethAddress: string
): string {
const data = ETH.decoder(ethAddress);
return makeBech32Encoder(prefix)(data);

> convertBech32AddressToEthAddress('aura', 'aura1cxa3axrm9qz22ctk0yppuh90x38afqc7enzckj')

> convertEthAddressToBech32Address('aura', '0xc1BB1E987B2804a5617679021e5caf344FD4831e')

Important notes: An account created by a EVM wallet (such as Metamask, Rabby, etc.) cannot be used to sign Cosmos transactions. The same goes for Cosmos wallets, which cannot sign EVM transactions. Therefore, an ERC20 token should only be sent to an account created by an EVM wallet, and vice versa.

Account transaction history

Account history can be accessed with the LCD. To do so, you must specify the event condition you wish to query. It's based on Tendermint events. For example, to search transactions by event, you can do the following:

curl -X GET "'aura1cxa3axrm9qz22ctk0yppuh90x38afqc7enzck'" -H "accept: application/json"

However, account history is a heavy operation and may DOS the node. If it is not critical, you can refer to our guide here to use Aura centralized indexing service:

2. Key management

The term "keyring" refers to the object holding the private/public keypairs used to interact with a node. The private key can be stored in different locations, called "backends". There are some available backends for the keyring:

  • The OS backend: relies on operating system-specific defaults to handle key storage securely. Typically, an operating system's credential sub-system handles password prompts, private keys storage, and user sessions according to the user's password policies
  • The file backend: stores the keyring encrypted within the app's configuration directory. This keyring will request a password each time it is accessed, which may occur multiple times in a single command resulting in repeated password prompts
  • The test backend: a password-less variation of the file backend. Keys are stored unencrypted on disk.

You can interact will keyring via keys subcommand

For example, to create a new key in the keyring, run the command:

# Add key with the name <key_name> to the `os` backend
aurad keys add <key_name> --keyring-backend os

3. Querying account information from aurad CLI

Account and contracts information can be queried with the aurad CLI. For a full reference, check the CLI documentation.

Account details

You can get account detail by querying to the auth module using account's address

aurad query auth account <address> --node

Sample response:

'@type': /cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount
account_number: "143"
address: aura1wgxdyjkul5hn0jx8y9rfpe8r4eyq5jkvsy0akl
'@type': /cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey
key: ArKbZcBnlPiczcYbS3son3wilCudNHV5fO2SHfwCgUfG
sequence: "19"

Account balance

Check the balance of the account

aurad query bank balances <address> --node

Sample response:

- amount: "304744"
denom: uaura
next_key: null
total: "0"

4. Using HTTP endpoints:

Cosmos endpoints

You can directly use LCD endpoints (light client daemon) provided by Aura nodes (public or your own full node) to integrate:

curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/json"

Detailed references of each API is specified in the testnet LCD Swagger document.

EVM endpoints

You can use JSON RPC endpoints to query EVM information:

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data \
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getBalance",
"params": ["0x0ADfCCa4B2a1132F82488546AcA086D7E24EA324", "latest"],
"id": 1

5. Using Cosmjs

You can also do same procedures using CosmJS

import { StargateClient } from "@cosmjs/stargate"

const rpc = ""
const sampleAccount = "aura1wgxdyjkul5hn0jx8y9rfpe8r4eyq5jkvsy0akl"

const runAll = async(): Promise<void> => {
const client = await StargateClient.connect(rpc)
console.log("With client, chain id:", await client.getChainId(), ", height:", await client.getHeight())

"sample account",
await client.getAccount(sampleAccount)

"sample balances:",
await client.getAllBalances(sampleAccount)


6. Using Etherjs

const { ethers } = require('ethers');

// Set up provider
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('');

// Wallet address
const walletAddress = 'YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS';

// Get balance
.then(balance => {
// Convert balance to AURA (Divide by 10**18)
const auraBalance = ethers.utils.formatEther(balance);
console.log('Wallet balance:', auraBalance, 'AURA');
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error getting balance:', error);