Fungible Tokens Overview
📄️ Introduction to CW20 Spec: Fungible Tokens
In this series, we will need our own cryptocurrency for payment action. Therefore, this chapter will provide readers with basic knowledge about tokens, fungible tokens and what is CW20 token.
📄️ Create your own CW20 token on Aura Network
In this tutorial, you'll create your own CW20 token. And now, you will start working with the Cosmwasm contract code. It may be difficult for you to understand because it's the very first time, but we will not explain each line of code here, you just need to follow it step by step. Try to practice before learning the theory. In later chapters, when we start to write the main contract of this entire series, which can create, send and buy some NFTs, we will explain to you step by step, each concept. Try your best!
📄️ What will we build?
We're not going to write code for this chapter. Instead, I am going to give an overview of what we will be building.
📄️ What Are All These Files
In this chapter, let's talk about the file structure of a CosmWasm contract project.