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Generate a Multisig key

aurad keys add --multisig=name1,name2,name3[...] --multisig-threshold=K new_key_name

K is the minimum number of private keys that must have signed the transactions that carry the public key's address as signer.

The --multisig flag must contain the name of public keys that will be combined into a public key that will be generated and stored as new_key_name in the local database. All names supplied through --multisig must already exist in the local database.

Unless the flag --nosort is set, the order in which the keys are supplied on the command line does not matter, i.e. the following commands generate two identical keys:

aurad keys add --multisig=p1,p2,p3 --multisig-threshold=2 multisig_address
aurad keys add --multisig=p2,p3,p1 --multisig-threshold=2 multisig_address


First, you need the wallets which will be the owners of the multisig wallet. Let's assume that you will create multisig wallet with 2/3 threshold.

Add test1, test2, test3 wallet:

aurad keys add test1
- name: test1
type: local
address: aura1ahwqzlu0wzd0uyp53x6l2ygftxmquy57tz6jj5
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Asc2LPPqgjWTuKvGZMKrhLXUxFjyLRtxy4mBtxqw3RG2"}'
mnemonic: ""

aurad keys add test2
- name: test2
type: local
address: aura1l0q4uzycmlm2s3cvqhje3dfjyuevazz0wqmt2t
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AmFtbMlegjibAduEBfNyZcVjrIN3W8JzGu/eIGzBUDVI"}'
mnemonic: ""

You can import the public keys of the wallet into your keyring. Example for test3 wallet:

aurad keys add \
test3 \

Generate the multisig key with 2/3 threshold.

aurad keys add \
multi \
--multisig=test1,test2,test3 \

You can see its address and details:

aurad keys show multi

- name: multi
type: multi
address: aura1tk736vetmgplrefcak0l62gak8h28m9ccqynxj
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey","threshold":2,"public_keys":[{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Arow5Hb8CbBYKWjuWIM5KWoEvbwCUmNti+2Kdaqrjd/T"},{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Asc2LPPqgjWTuKvGZMKrhLXUxFjyLRtxy4mBtxqw3RG2"},{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AmFtbMlegjibAduEBfNyZcVjrIN3W8JzGu/eIGzBUDVI"}]}'
mnemonic: ""

Let's add 2 AURA to the multisig wallet:

aurad tx bank send \
test1 \
aura1tk736vetmgplrefcak0l62gak8h28m9ccqynxj \
2000000uaura \
--chain-id=aura_6322-2 \
--gas=auto \
--fees=100000uaura \

Query balance:

aurad query bank balances --chain-id aura_6322-2 --node aura1tk736vetmgplrefcak0l62gak8h28m9ccqynxj
- amount: "2000000"
denom: uaura
next_key: null
total: "0"