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Preparing Development Wallet

In this section

We will guide you through the process of creating and setting up your wallet to be used in Aura testnets.

Aura Wallets

Your wallet is the entrance to the crypto world, then before getting into Aura Network, you should own a wallet. Aura Network is built using Cosmos SDK and the address of an Aura wallet follows the standard address of Cosmos SDK with defined prefix is aura.


1. Wallet Setup

If you are a Cosmonaut, you might directly skip to the next part. However, if you have not use a Cosmos wallet before, this is be the part you should follow closely.

GUI Wallet

Aura Network currently supports 2 wallets: Coin98 Wallet and Keplr Wallet. We recommend to use Coin98 Wallet as we are working very closely together to roll out Aura specific features.

Please follow these guides from these 2 providers to setup your wallet:

Aura CLI

You can easily setup and manage your aura wallets in the aurad CLI. You can add a new wallet by running the following command:

aurad keys add <key-name>

Running the command above will add two encrypted private keys to the wasmd keyring and display their attributes as follows:

- name: wallet
type: local
address: aura1rh2hwghpazmw4vwr57u38ahk7a2xhjc6z9h7kt
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AwnTb8Az+JddriHmcXx5VDY0RpcUAzMf/gCRVjWUB9HM"}'
mnemonic: ""

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

easy news coast scare already verb tongue throw mushroom strong scare seek magic useless maid erupt office stick sound noble machine weekend teach action

As the warning message in the CLI says, you should write down your mnemonic phrase in a safe place as it is the only way to recover your account.

You can view your wallet address with this command:

aurad keys show <key-name> -a

Or you can view all of them by running:

aurad keys list

Make sure you're on the right network. Check your config with: aurad config.

The remaining portion of this section covers the setup for GUI wallets, so you can skip that if you're not interested.

2. Add Testnet Profile

In order to show the Aura address on your wallet, you have to add the network information to Coin98 Wallet and Keplr Wallet.

At the moment, there are 2 public testnet options to work with Aura Network. Depending on your interest, please choose the appropriate testnet before adding them to your wallet. As Aura Network is still in development, the aura client is subjected to change frequently.

To ensure the best experience of testnet users, there are 2 independent testnets at the moment: Euphoria (aura_6321-3) and Serenity (auradev_1236-2).

Euphoria, the staging testnet:

Target users: Validator, App Developer, First-Timer and the majority of Aura users.

Euphoria similar to the staging environment concept in traditional software development, Euphoria is the near exact replica of Aura Mainnet. This means we will try our best to bootstrap external validators, set up vesting, voting and operate the Euphoria bootstrap community as closely as we will do on Aura Mainnet in the future.

Use this following Script to add the Aura Euphoria Testnet chain to your wallet browser extension:


We recommend you use the jsfiddle links to quickly add the testnet profiles to your wallets.

var foo = async function() {
console.log('start request add euphoria testnet');

await window['keplr'].experimentalSuggestChain({
chainId: "aura_6321-3",
chainName: "Aura euphoria TestNet",
rpc: "",
rest: "",
bip44: {
coinType: 118,
bech32Config: {
bech32PrefixAccAddr: "aura",
bech32PrefixAccPub: "aura" + "pub",
bech32PrefixValAddr: "aura" + "valoper",
bech32PrefixValPub: "aura" + "valoperpub",
bech32PrefixConsAddr: "aura" + "valcons",
bech32PrefixConsPub: "aura" + "valconspub",
currencies: [{
coinDenom: "EAURA",
coinMinimalDenom: "ueaura",
coinDecimals: 6,
// coinGeckoId: "eaura",
}, ],
feeCurrencies: [{
coinDenom: "EAURA",
coinMinimalDenom: "ueaura",
coinDecimals: 6,
// coinGeckoId: "ueaura",
}, ],
stakeCurrency: {
coinDenom: "EAURA",
coinMinimalDenom: "ueaura",
coinDecimals: 6,
// coinGeckoId: "ueaura",
coinType: 118,
gasPriceStep: {
low: 0.001,
average: 0.0025,
high: 0.004
features: ['no-legacy-stdTx'],
walletUrlForStaking: "",
logo: "",
explorer: ""
console.log('finish request add euphoria testnet');

setTimeout(() => {
}, 1001);

console.log('Welcome to euphoria');

After running the script, the Aura Testnet profile will appear in the Coin98 Wallet extension

Serenity, the stable testnet:

Target users: App Developer.

Serenity testnet is determined to be fairly stable with a minimum validator set. Users who want to get the first hand experience in Aura should try with this network. Serenity is publicly open to dApp builders through public RPC endpoints. However, it is not open for external validators.

Use this following Script to add the Aura Serenity Testnet chain to your wallet browser extension:

var foo = async function() {
console.log('start request add Serenity testnet');

await window['keplr'].experimentalSuggestChain({
chainId: "auradev_1236-2",
chainName: "Aura Serenity TestNet",
rpc: "",
rest: "",
bip44: {
coinType: 118,
bech32Config: {
bech32PrefixAccAddr: "aura",
bech32PrefixAccPub: "aura" + "pub",
bech32PrefixValAddr: "aura" + "valoper",
bech32PrefixValPub: "aura" + "valoperpub",
bech32PrefixConsAddr: "aura" + "valcons",
bech32PrefixConsPub: "aura" + "valconspub",
currencies: [{
coinDenom: "AURA",
coinMinimalDenom: "uaura",
coinDecimals: 6,
// coinGeckoId: "aura",
}, ],
feeCurrencies: [{
coinDenom: "AURA",
coinMinimalDenom: "uaura",
coinDecimals: 6,
// coinGeckoId: "uaura",
}, ],
stakeCurrency: {
coinDenom: "AURA",
coinMinimalDenom: "uaura",
coinDecimals: 6,
// coinGeckoId: "uaura",
coinType: 118,
gasPriceStep: {
low: 0.001,
average: 0.0025,
high: 0.004
features: ['no-legacy-stdTx'],
walletUrlForStaking: "",
logo: "",
explorer: ""
console.log('finish request add Serenity testnet');

setTimeout(() => {
}, 1001);

console.log('Welcome to Serenity');

3. Create Aura Wallet

The final step is to create a new Aura Wallet. Just click the Add Wallet button on the top right corner of the browser extension. After creating your Aura Wallet, you will be ready to try the testnet.

If you need some test AURA or EAURA you can get some through our Discord Faucets. After that, you can head on to try some of our apps, like HaloTrade.

Happy Hacking!