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Before you start

This section should help you be well-prepared before you start multi-signing.


Pyxis Safe currently has 2 public stable environments with the same functionality:

EnvironmentURLSupported networks
Production Mainnet
Public Test Testnet, Cosmos Hub Testnet, Evmos Testnet, Canto Mainnet

What you will need

  • Stable internet connection (of course);
  • Personal wallets properly set up using Keplr or C98 wallets: All co-owners must have a personal wallet connected. As of now, Pyxis Safe supports wallets as in the below table:
WalletC98 WalletKeplr Wallet
Aura Mainnet (aura_6322-2)
Aura Testnet (aura_6321-3, auradev_1236-2)
Cosmos Hub Testnet (theta-testnet-001)
Evmos Testnet (evmos_9000-4)
Canto Mainnet (canto_7700-1)

Usage practices

There are many ways to set up a multi-sig wallet for various purposes. Those below notices might be helpful for you in the practice of creating one:

  • The sign threshold should not be the value of 1. Setting the signing threshold to 1 is against the purpose of multi-signing. It exposes the wallet to higher risk than a personal wallet, as the wallet will be compromised if any of the owner's private keys are leaked.
  • There are some good practices below that you might use as reference:
    • Use a multi-sig wallet as a 2-factor authentication: Set up a Safe using three of your wallets as owners with a threshold of 2. Use two wallets to sign transactions while keeping the other wallet safe and rarely used for backup purposes.
    • Peer-reviewed transactions: Setting up a Safe with the desired number of owners, like 5, but with a threshold of 3. This will ensure that every transaction that one creates will be reviewed by two other owners before execution.