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Horoscope - indexers of the interchain

Horoscope is an indexing service for Cosmos-based blockchain and EVM blockchain. It crawl data from the blockchain and index it into PostgreSQl. Based on the data, it can provide search functionality instead of querying data from LCD or RPC directly.

Currently, it supports network builded by Cosmos SDK v0.45.1 or later. Supporting network:

  • Aura Network
  • Osmosis
  • Cosmos Hub
  • Evmos
  • Ancient8

Why Horoscope is necessary for Aura and the Cosmos ecosystem in general:

  • Modular architecture that is compatible with every Cosmos-based chain.
  • Horizontal Scaling with PostgreSql
  • Blazing fast & efficient
  • Index everything (wallet, block, transaction, NFT, Tokens, etc.)
  • Restful / GraphQL APIs
  • Core components are fully Open source under MIT license


Horoscope development is funded by Aura Network foundation, it is currently deployed at several environment:


EnvironmentURLSupport ChainNote
Production (Xstaxy)playground
Staging (Euphoria)playground
Develop (Testnet, Serenity)playground

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If you have any questions related to Aura or simply would like to chat with us, come join us in the Aura Discord server or any of our official channels. We love dev chatter!
